
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Interest on Time Deposits

This window allows the user to compute and add interest to time Time Deposit to the selected accounts. The interest is calculated depending on the specified date and the interest calculated will only be added to the client accounts when a print out has been made.

Note that for interest to be added, you need to make a printout when the system prompts you to print. If you have forgotten to enter a time-deposit before you run the interest module, you can enter the missing TD and run the interest module again for the same date. It will now just show the interest for the missing TD.

Note that the interest treatment will also depend on the option you chose of what the system should do upon maturity of the time deposit under Time Deposits/Open Time Deposits, what happens when time deposit matures?

How to calculate Interest on Time Deposits

To access this menu you go to Savings\Time Deposits\Calculate Interest on Time Deposit. A screen like one below will show up:

 Select the type of client you wish to calculate the Time Deposit Interest for.

You can select which accounts the Time deposit interest should be excluded by un-ticking the corresponding pay column. By default all clients have a tick placed against them in the pay column.

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